Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lets Talk About Visas

My visa was a very scary but exciting experience. Let's start with the materials you will be needing for your application. Here is the link to a good check list: South African Study Permit Check List

Things you can start working on at anytime:

- Application Form (BI-1738); This is a pretty straight forward document. As long as you complete all of the questions to the best of your knowledge you will be fine. Also, just encase you were worried, you do not need to complete it twice "duly" here means truthfully (Yeah I was silly enough to check).

- Passport; Don't have one? Get one. The State Department will drag their heals for much longer than the SA consulate so get that together ASAP. If you have one you are in the green.

- Photos; Picture time! Mine did not actually use it for the visa printed in my passport but I assume it has to do with making sure your passport is yours. However I do know other countries will print this photo as a part of your actual visa form so two suggestions 1. Try to match your passport photo 2. Look good ;)

- "Notarized copy of birth certificate"; Notarized means a plain old copy of your birth certificate made at home or at work that has been taken to a notary. You can more than likely get this done at the same place where you get your background check. Cost ~ $10.

- Medical Report (BI-811); If you have insurance under your parents, check with them if you can, get this filled out with your normal physician, or at least one under your insurance. If you are a CSU IP student you can also do this at the same time as the medical check requested with your NMMU application.

-  Radiological Report vs Skin TB Test; Of these do whichever your insurance covers or you can get done cheaply. SFSU's health center does the skin test for about $35 which was worth it, although I will warn you that it does involve a needle prick.

- Police Clearance Certificate (Instructions for California only); Resource for Californians. Under the google map on the page is a list of counties, pick yours and look for the address that is closest to you. These places usually also have a notary. I forewarn you they will want a form, probably this one, however here is a list of other possible live scan forms you might need filled out. Mine came out to about $50.

- Bank Statement; Get it online or from your branch, whichever is easiest, mine was from the start of the month I sent my visa out.

These are the need to haves, mostly, the next two items only apply to non-us born students and individuals under age. (Don't worry about that one-way item at the bottom quite yet.)

After you get your acceptance letter from your school abroad:

- Proof of Health Coverage; for CSU IP students this will come with your acceptance packet from NMMU, it is a part of your "To whom it may concern" letter from IP.

- "An official letter from the institution in South Africa confirming acceptance and duration of the course"; The "To whom it may concern" letter from NMMU (or other SA institution).

- "An official letter of enrollment from the institution of learning concerned in the U.S. if applicable"; "To whom it may concern" letter from IP mentioned above.

 - Round-trip Flight Itinerary; One of the scarier items on the list for those of you going for 10 months or more. Don't worry, send them the one way and they will handle the rest. I only sent one way and not a second word was said. If you are particularly nervous, send it early! They will ask you for corrections if they need them. Cheepest flight I found.

- Two money orders; 1. $72 for visa 2. $16 for postage to get it back

I got started pretty late with mine, which made it a very stressful experience because it got mixed with trying to prepare for finals. I am under the impression that the SA consulate is generally pretty quick so don't give up hope. On that same turn though, don't wait too long because if you don't get that visa by the time you plan of flying out YOU CAN'T.

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